Annual Members Meeting & Potluck Dinner
Thursday, January 16,
Upstairs in the Parish House, 6 Hackleboro Rd., Canterbury
We start to EAT at 5:30pm // We start to MEET at 6pm
Were you a Market Member for the 2024 season? Then this Annual Meeting is for you! It is a time to gather with other Market supporters, cozy up to a tasty potluck dinner, and take care of some business ahead of the 2025 season (a few quick votes on stall fees, new Board Members, etc.). We have many THANK YOUs to say, a few goodbyes, and several hellos!
If you can, bring some sort of main dish, salad or dessert. If you can't, please know that you are still welcome to join us -- the essence of the Market is that we always have plenty to share! We encourage diners to bring their own cutlery and place setting, but also not required. Can you tell we are a pretty easy going crowd?
Feel free to RSVP to It's helpful to at least have an inkling of how many might attend so we know how many tables to set.
When all all is said and done, Members please just come! :-)
The outdoor Markets are located in the parking area and
grassy field next to the Elkins Public Library, in the historic center of Canterbury. 9 Center Rd., Canterbury, NH, 03224. Wednesdays, 4-6:30pm, June thru September.
The two indoor Markets are located just up the hill from the center of Canterbury in the CES (Canterbury Elementary School) Gym. 15 Baptist Rd., Canterbury, NH 03224.
November Market is on the Saturday 2 weeks
before Thanksgiving, 10 am-1 pm
December Market is on the Saturday 2 weeks
before Christmas, 10 am-1 pm
